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Divine Living Book

Embrace Your True Self

Divine Living Book

Are you tired of life’s perpetual struggle, exhausted by moving through each day in a loop of worry, stress and fear?

In Divine Living, divine channel Kirstie Lilith guides you on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

Includes channelled wisdom from the Ascended Masters and Goddesses.

This transformative book guides you in:

Letting go of Control and Overcoming Fears: Break free from the shackles of control and conquer your deepest fears.


Learning to Set Vital Boundaries: Master the art of self-care by establishing essential boundaries for a more balanced life.


Trusting and Surrendering to the Divine: Cultivate trust in the universal flow and surrender to the wisdom of the Divine.


Connecting to Your Own Guidance: Unlock the secrets to connecting with your inner guidance system and accessing profound insights.


Aligning with Your Own Divinity: Embark on a journey of self-discovery, aligning with your true self and embracing your divine nature.


In this inspiring book, Kirstie shares her intuitive messages from Ascended Masters and Goddesses, and her extraordinary journey with humpback whales.

Are you ready to break free from the chains of struggle and live a life of pure joy and contentment?

"Kirstie is a clear channel for the Divine and works with integrity, care and great devotion. She is a returning Priestess, come to bring important messages from many realms, including the animal realm. Kirstie is a loving bridge between Earth and Spirit."

- Sophie Bashford, divine feminine teacher and bestselling Hay House author.


Divine Living

Embrace Your True Self

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